Important information about how your personal information may be exchanged with credit bureaus when applying for products and on an ongoing basis:

When you apply for a product that creates credit risk for Home Trust, we will run a credit check and exchange your information with credit bureaus. We will continue to exchange information with them for as long as you hold the product and for a reasonable time after you close the product. We do this to assess your application, verify your identity and your creditworthiness, qualify you for products and services, protect against fraud, and manage our risks. We may also validate your information with a credit bureau to verify your identity and protect against fraud. Other financial institutions also exchange information with credit bureaus in this way.

  • Credit cards
  • Loans
  • Mortgages

The information we collect from credit bureaus may include information about your current and past credit accounts such as type, amount, payment history, debt collections, legal proceedings, or other information that the credit bureau has collected from your other lenders.

We may also periodically share credit, financial and other information about you with credit bureaus to help maintain the accuracy and integrity of the credit reporting system. The credit bureau will incorporate the personal information we send them into its consumer reporting database. They then use the information to maintain the database and as permitted or required by applicable laws, which may include sharing this information with third parties. If you consent to us giving your SIN to credit bureaus, the credit bureaus may use it to update their consumer reporting database and to help them match and verify future credit bureau requests.

We may also validate your information with a credit bureau to verify your identity, protect against fraud or to help us maintain accurate and up to date information about you where necessary.

We may exchange information about you, as described in this policy, with the following credit bureaus:

3115 Harvester Road
Burlington, ON
L7N3 N8


National Consumer Relations
Box 190
Montreal, Quebec
H1S 2Z2


You can ask a credit bureau to let you see your credit report. You can also ask them to correct any errors in it, by contacting them directly.